Canadians will find that moving to the EU reveals public transportation that works well. Travel is less expensive, faster and more convenient than most expect. Closer proximity to other cities and countries is a core difference. Years of being close neighbours has made cooperation and understanding work when it comes to transportation. While English is widely used, each community guards its language, heritage and tax revenues. The cost of expected items or even availability is often problematic. Unique local values are not as politically correct in their alignment as Canadians expect. Typos, missing information, and partial answers are seldom forgiven. Navigating documents in native languages and local expectations can lead to unexpected costs for border storage and handling or national transport.
Canadians with European heritage may be able to arrange resident visas and EU Blue Cards for work, more easily than those without.
There are complexities across the countries that speaking only English may not uncover. A local agent can help uncover these time and cost sink holes.Packing your possessions with an eye beyond just their movement between truck, train and sea is key to retaining the joy they bring you. Customs inspection, where unpacking and repacking are time consuming, can add significant and often unexpected charges for storage and handling. Allowing for efficient removal and repack reduces that risk. Taking only items that fit in you new, likely smaller living space, is a basic consideration. Compare buying replacement items there.
Bekins has extensive European experience. You benefit from timely information and precise help when your possessions arrive as expected.
The Central European Time Zone is an hour between, for all the other countries.
Moving to the EU Help
• European Union High Commission
(Consulate) in Canada:
Ph: (613) 238-6464
150 Metcalfe St
Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1
In the European Union use 112 for emergency calls
Importing Your Vehicle
Importing your Antique or Luxury Vehicle faces each countries consideration. Import duties, VAT, vehicle performance standards and licensing, as well as the processing time window are considerations. There may be options for avoiding or reducing taxes when, you have resided outside of the EU for at least the last 12 months, have owned the personal vehicle for the last 6 months there, and now are bringing the vehicle with your move.