Moving to Melbourne from Canada

Relocating to Melbourne

Melbourne is a friendly active place, offering significant sporting, outdoor and cultural events. Melbourne however is a long way from the rest of the world. Travel time, time zone differences and cost of travel tend to bring a local focus on Australian activities, at the expense of events and things far away.
It is a cultural diversity is well respected and provides a very positive international reputation. The just over five million Melburnians, that make up Greater Melbourne are Australia’s second largest city. Interestingly, more than half of those either are born or have relatives born overseas.

Tips For Moving to Melbourne

The cost of living is similar to US and European cities. The higher minimum wage, real estate costs, and general activity of this long established densely populated area weigh on the costs of moving. This is a different state from the factors at play in Adelaide or Canberra.

Melbourne’s high demand housing is often referred to as expensive to unaffordable. It is fueled by rapid population growth and driven by new job creation. Melbourne was labelled an “Alpha City” by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. Demand is high for services associated with homes. Managing and processing moves in a predictable timely manner is challenging. Further, Melbourne is far away, detailed planning is key to shipping your possessions, pets and vehicles arriving without additional time and unexpected expenses.

Melbourne is known for having “four seasons in one day”. Moves in Melbourne run a risk from these daily weather interruptions. Melbourne’s located between a dry hot inland and a cool southern ocean which cause these weather reactions… as the two meet. One can expect warm to hot summers, with stable comfortable grey sky winters. A little like living in North Vancouver versus Richmond and Surrey, rain tends to fall mostly on eastern suburbs leaving the most of the rest of Melbourne dry. Many like ‘dry’ when compared to the humidity of Sydney or Brisbane. Overall autumn is the best time of year to process moves from Canada.

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