Moving to Canberra from Canada

Relocating to Canberra

Canberra has about a third of its half million residents born over seas. It is one of the most livable cities in the world, continuing to attract from beyond Australia’s borders. A friendly place, that is also one of the safest, with one of the lowest crime rates in Australia. Folks work predominantly in government and international relations.

Tips For Moving to Canberra

Canberra was designed to be the capital city of Australia. A layout with purpose and travel in mind. Well known for ease of driving, even during its minor rush hour traffic. You can expect on time moving activities. It is best to to get your ACT (i.e. Australian Capital Territory that Canberra is part of) driver license within three months of taking up residency.

Canberra is located half way between Sydney and Melbourne and the couple of hours drive to either. While Canberra is home to many embassies it is nice to also have access to the options those two large Australian cities offer.

Canberra offers all season enjoyment. Summers are generally hot and dry (i.e. 12 to 28°C), with occasional scorching mid day sun or late day thunderstorms. January is typically the hottest each year and also when many leave to holiday at the coast. Autumn kicks in around April 25th when Canberrans turn their heaters on. Winters bring fog, frost and even some snow. Canberra is at northern end of Australia’s highest mountain range where snow-capped mountains provide most of the snow scenery during winter. Spring has cool evenings and nights, with the most annual rainfall coming in November. You get to determined when to move instead of being limited by the climate.

Use 000 for emergencies.