Moving to New Zealand from Canada

Canadians, familiar with island living, will will naturally feel comfortable in this island life style. New Zealand’s immigration heritage (i.e. even the native Maori only arrived about 800 years ago) embraces multiculturalism. It is the heart of their equality of everyone. A friendly, relaxed country that is the chosen destination of those seeking a natural life style.

Of the just over 5 million population, 70% claim European heritage and almost 17% Maori. The two largest ethnic segments.

High UV from an ozone hole, near New Zealand impacts possessions prone to fading. Selecting items that pring you joy, will be more costly there or maybe even unavailable is also something to think about. Roads on both main islands service populated areas well. If you are planning transfer to any other of the 700 plus islands New Zealand includes issues go well beyond just driving on the left hand side of the road. The length of the typical by sea shipment and transfers to road or rail bring focus to why Bekins packing for international moves is important. Local movers have no reference for customs handling, shipment jostling, sea, train and road repacks. You select the possessions and Bekins uses the experienced effort to secure their arrival.

• Health care is government subsidized however dental is not. Get dental work done before leaving home and be sure to include it in the healthcare insurance you take out on arrival. New Zealand has a 183 days’ of presence rule. To be deemed a resident of New Zealand a person needs to be personally present for more than for a period exceeding 183 days in any 12-month period (Jan 16, 2024).
• It is a cooperative friendly society that prides itself on working together. Not standing out is a norm, overdressing or bragging are better avoid in daily activity.
• Their environment is strongly protected. In July 2019 they imposed strict importation regulations regarding container fumigation before shipment.

To make a call to New Zealand

• Dial 011 ( for outside North America)
• Dial 64 ( code for the Scotland )
• Dial the city area code:
Auckland – 9
Christchurch – 3
Wellington – 4

In New Zealand use 111 for emergencies