Moving to the UK from Canada, Now

Moving to the UK offers a wide variety of life style, occupation and enjoyment options. Centuries of history are around every corner. The challenge moving there brings is navigating the settling in process.

Post BREXIT and COVID sees differences in managing the arrival of your possessions. Yes the ongoing dampness and rapid weather changes, that few Canadians are familiar with, are still a reality. Moving protocols are another matter. A transfer of residence form must be done before you start to move any personal property to the UK, if duty is to be avoided. Visa applications benefit from at least a three month before moving day head start. There is only two weeks to arrange for your vehicle. A shortage of dental workers looks to require their National Health Service to correct, so getting dental work done before leaving Canada is a good idea.

Packing your possessions with an eye beyond just their movement between truck, train and sea is key. Customs inspection where unpacking and repacking are time consuming can add significant and often unexpected charges for storage and handling. Allowing for efficient removal and repack reduces that risk.

Bekins has extensive UK interaction. You benefit from timely information and precise help so your possessions arrive as expected.

To check the UK Weather…
click here

Everyone at Bekins works for this kind of move completion !

☆☆☆☆☆– For the move from Canada to the UK.

Just wanted to say a very big Thank You, to you all and your team for moving my items back to UK. Everything went as planned, and all my possessions arrived in good condition. Everything arrived on time and not one breakage. (Thanks to the fantastic team you sent to our house). Could not of asked for a more professional, helpful and friendly company.
Kate was great in the UK also.
Thank you so much!!!
Kellie Walker

To make a call to the UK

• Dial 011 ( for outside North America)
• Dial 44 ( code for the UK )
• Dial the city area code
( click here for full list )
• Dial local phone number

In the UK use 999 for emergencies