Moving to Korea, for a 6 month season or with a longer term visa, offers world class, densely populated cities, to mountainous country side or seacoast bay beautiful cost effective living. It includes some 3000 islands that offer among other living options, the highest above sea level and extinct volcano places to visit.
Moving back to the familiarity of South Korea, family, food, traditions and community brings an internal joy. Whether it is to full fill retirement goals or retrench in the daily work ethic, high quality of life, reasonable cost of living, or their generous salaries, Bekins Worldwide will help you deal with the unknowns of international moving.
Of the 52 million plus population, about 10 million are in Seoul, 3.5 million in Busan, 3 million in Inchon, 2.5 million in Daegu, 1.5 million in Gwangju, 1.5 million in Daejeon and over 1 million in Ulsan. The over all population in just over 95% ethnically Korean.
• Many Koreans do not speak English. Learning the language goes a long way to showing respect for the country you will be moving to. You will find the Korean Hangeul writing symbols much easier to master than either the Japanese of Chinese writing symbols.
• The society respects age, experience and financial responsibility. The grace shown in accepting situations, apologizing or listening are often valued more than any opinion offered.
• You will find a friendly and amazingly safe society. Even walking out late at night in Seoul, the mega city that never sleeps, there is a refreshingly safe feel.
• Best to being your cloths as Koreans tend to be shorter and smaller than the average North American. The weather in mid summer will bring more rain than even those from the rainiest part of Canada experience. Alternately, January brings dry freezing weather with occasional heavy snowfalls.
• Best to plan your move to arrive in the spring or autumn. Consider that typically, rooms, homes and apartments are much smaller that in Canada. You’ll have to balance the size of chairs you are comfortable with and the rooms they will be placed in.
Bekins has extensive South Korean interaction. You benefit from timely information and precise help when your possessions arrive as expected.

When Moving from Korea to Canada…
Moving to Korea Help
• Cost of Living in South Korea
• Current South Korean Inflation Rate
• Vehicle Importation Information
South Korean Weather Now …
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To make a call to Scotland
• Dial 011 ( for outside North America)
• Dial 82 ( code for South Korea )
• Dial the city area code:
Busan – 51, Daegu – 53. Daejeon – 42
Gwangiu – 62, Incheon – 32
Seoul – 2, Ulsan – 52
• Dial local phone number
In South Korea use:
• 119 for fire and ambulance service
• 112 for police