Moving to Australia from Canada – NOW

There is a charm and excitement moving to Australia evokes. Already understanding the impact of nature, climate and regional distances makes moving to a new fresh start in Australia easier for Canadians.

Minimizing needless delays, potholes processing transfers can expose, all the way to successfully delivering your possessions is the challenge. The unexpected difference Canadians discover is there is no big neighbour just across the border. You are on your own without the ready access to as many supplies and services. Fortunately, Australia is a economically advanced, health care effective and friendly society.

Weather plays a big part. Beyond moving your items between truck, ship, train and the unloading/reloading for customs inspections, there are times of year when rain and heat issues are minimized. They vary by the area in Australia you will be moving to. During winter it is cold and grey in Melbourne while on the other side of the country folks are in t-shirts and warm. There are also many summer days folks see 40 plus degrees. Frequently, flying there ahead of time helps both select the time of year and more precisely decide on which possessions to bring. Storing possessions until lets you be more confident in terms of the joy your possessions will bring you versus the re-location costs. Australia is the worlds largest island. Much like Canadians living along the US border Australians live along the coast. The implication is that while fights between cities is considered low cost, shipments are costly and time consuming.

The less than 30 million Aussies share the understanding of their extreme climate diversity. From its many deserts to its Antarctic Territories there are strong seasonal and climate differences. Roads connecting the areas of Australia face these consequences and bring into focus why Bekins packing for international moves is important. Packing by ‘local’ movers is not considerate of the extra jostling. Nor do they visualize transfers from truck to rail to ship and customs or storage. A lot to absorb on the way to a new international destination.

• A visit to your nearest Australian Consulate will get you on your way to obtain the Australian visa that best meets your situation.
• Take the time to confirm your medical shots are up to date. Moving to any new environment exposes a different germ pool. Nothing undermines a holiday like being sick … moving is not different. Yes Australia has some of the best medical services, often including doctors making home visits, but better to not need those services till after you arrange you healthcare participation.
• Along with arranging a place to stay on arrival it is important to arrange, local banking and a local cell phone. An established presence goes a long way to more easily arrangin your new drivers license, healthcare, utilities, etc. without needless turmoil. Remember that even if your new free email account ends up not that dependable, the Bekins.World website offers “Quick Post Cards” at the bottom of each web page. Coordinating local support is important to both of us.
• Many find that making a point of knowing where the local hospital, police station, grocery stores helps bring a calming perspective. Along the same lines take the time to register with the Canadian Embassy. One last trick in this path is to carry a small pocket note book and record local phrases. They do speak English however they have their own verbal shorthand and charm. Listen for those different phrase, write them down, and share the charm they bring to conversations. Australia is an established multicultural country with very similar values. None the less, Canadian politically correct is not Australian politically correct.

Bekins has extensive experience earned over many years with moves to Australia. You benefit from timely information and precise help when your possessions arrive as expected.

Moving to Australia from Canada

Relocating To Adelaide, South Australia
Moving to Adelaide Australia from Canada

Relocating to Brisbane, Queensland
Moving to Brisbane Australia from Canada

Relocating to Canberra, New South Wales
Moving to Canberra Australia from Canada

Relocating to Melbourne, Victoria
Moving to Melbourne Australia from Canada

Relocating to Sydney, New South Wales
Moving to Sydney Australia from Canada

To make a call to Australia

• Dial 011 ( for outside North America)
• Dial 61 ( code for Australia )
• Dial the area code:
Canberra/Sydney – 2
Hobart/Melbourne – 3
Brisbane – 7
Adelaide/Darwin/Perth – 8
• Dial local phone number

Australia uses 000 for emergencies (112 is only for mobile phones)